24 April 2011


Ok so I had the idea that a jigsaw piece might be a good idea for a shape of a stepping stone ... so I had to play & make one. Template cut out, mould made, used some old scrap stained glass that I had lying around as aggregate & cast a jigsaw piece. I'd never used the stained glass as an aggregate before so didn't really know what to expect when I  knocked the jigsaw piece out of the mould today. I'm not sure whether I like it or not, using the stained glass certainly wouldn't work as a stepping stone as there are far too many sharp edges & I think that good old health & safety would come into play there but I can see other materials encapsulated in larger versions in a sculptural form & the concrete definitely needs COLOUR!!!!

Watch this space for more colourful concrete to come

23 April 2011

After a bit of tweeking

After a bit of tweeking with the recipe I'm finally getting the colours a lot more vivid, they're still going to err toward the pastel shades but the strength of colour is now much more where it was intended.

Still have a few more of the cushions to make & if anyone else wants a few then that'll be even better. Now to start playing with some different shapes & textures ... lets see what we can come up with next ... I have a feeling it may be jigsaw pieces!!