22 July 2011

Its been a while!!

Well the concrete seems to have taken a bit of a back seat recently, switched my attentions back to what I was trained in ... glass!! Been setting up a new web site www.chezhippo.co.uk  At the moment it's in it's infancy got a few glass items on there but eventually it will have glass ceramics & anything else that we can think of to make out of any material that we can lay our hands on. Going to keep on with the concrete but it will be a little less important than the other stuff.

I'll keep this updated as time goes on & as more concrete is poured I'll post pics.

24 April 2011


Ok so I had the idea that a jigsaw piece might be a good idea for a shape of a stepping stone ... so I had to play & make one. Template cut out, mould made, used some old scrap stained glass that I had lying around as aggregate & cast a jigsaw piece. I'd never used the stained glass as an aggregate before so didn't really know what to expect when I  knocked the jigsaw piece out of the mould today. I'm not sure whether I like it or not, using the stained glass certainly wouldn't work as a stepping stone as there are far too many sharp edges & I think that good old health & safety would come into play there but I can see other materials encapsulated in larger versions in a sculptural form & the concrete definitely needs COLOUR!!!!

Watch this space for more colourful concrete to come

23 April 2011

After a bit of tweeking

After a bit of tweeking with the recipe I'm finally getting the colours a lot more vivid, they're still going to err toward the pastel shades but the strength of colour is now much more where it was intended.

Still have a few more of the cushions to make & if anyone else wants a few then that'll be even better. Now to start playing with some different shapes & textures ... lets see what we can come up with next ... I have a feeling it may be jigsaw pieces!!

22 March 2011

And then there was PINK!!!!

Yes we have pink concrete!!

The cushions so far have been made in blue,  violet, yellow & now pink!!!
I'm sure that the colours so far are just the tip of the iceberg & the cushions are just the start of bigger & better things

20 March 2011

The First Installment

Well the first few colourful concrete cushions are made & in place

They're not looking at their best as yet because of the construction damage to the lawn but I think you can get the idea. There are more to put in place ... more colours to come ... pink is waiting

1 March 2011

The end of experimentation

Experimentation with form & colour
Right!! That's it the experimentation is over ... the colours of conventional colourants are a tad dull & boring to say the least, mainly going along with brick & stone colours to make the concrete blend in to the surrounding building materials.  It's now time to put an end to all of that  & now that I have the form & moulds are made up the creation of a more colourful world can commence.

It's a little bit more of watch this space ...
Coming soon to a garden near you......

26 February 2011

Watch This Space!!!

Here we go on an expedition into self promotion through the world that is the internet.

For quite a while now I've lived amongst the boring grey concrete that a lot of the world has become & often thought that concrete needn't be as dull & boring as it is.This has led me to try & work out how I can jazz it up a bit. In the very near future you will see where this has led me. So as the title of this post says ...Watch This Space!!!